Who is Matt


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 Matt is My Second Son   My Sons-They are my energizers that they have re-established the life within me! 

After birth of Mark, my first son, we waited for 8 years to have a new baby. I cannot forget when I was working in one the local colleges in North Carolina. My ex with a big smile arrived at my office, and said Guess “who is coming to the home”. I found out that God was kind enough again and getting ready to wrap up another gift for us. We were overjoyed about this news. We could not wait to spread the news. We were grateful for God kindness. Soon we learned that the arrival of new baby is scheduled for the November 24 1976. That date happened to be falling on the Thanksgiving Day. What a magical arrangement that God has pre planned for us. What the colorful celebration is ahead of us. How fortunate a family can be to deserve such a powerful blessing.

When Nov. 23 arrived at the middle of night, we had to get ready. We had to go to The Wesley long hospital in Greensboro NC.

 When, we walked outside the house to leave; I felt the night was so peaceful and colorful. The moonlight was glowing beautifully all over.  The air was refreshing and the smell of flowers and grass were energizing. It was a quite night but the sound of night creatures was a magical music that dominated the quietness. .  It was a full moon that was smiling gracefully at us. While, I was glancing at the face of moon, I felt that I could see the image of God. He was grinning at me; I could hear the voice. It sounded it like he was telling me “Go ahead Abbas enjoy your gift -you deserves it.”

As we drove off headed to hospital, it was a spiritual night for me. When we arrived, everything was ready to accommodate us for the delivery procedures. They were organized; it appeared that, had been expecting us.  The power of joys within me was overwhelming my heart racing all over.

While, I was sitting in the patient waiting room, I was thinking about the selection of the name. We had no ideas about the gender and had not narrowed down the names. I felt, since this was the a gift from God, we should select a name that meant, “Gift of God.”

Early morning, a nurse while carry a baby approached me in the corridor of hospital.  With the sweet smile she handed over a baby and said congratulations Abbas - “Here is your new son”. He was wrapped in a soft blue baby blanket. He was dressed up with a cute funny hat. The only thing that I thought was missing was the gift-wrap on him.  His curled eyelashes were so long and reveling that I could not bypass. Behind those long eyelashes there were big beautiful magnetic eyes that did not stop staring at me. His eye contact was so dynamically powerful that I felt my heart was melted out. He had so much hair that I thought he needed a haircut pretty soon.

Thanks Giving of 1976 (November 24) was an unforgettable moment and colorful celebration that it is impossible to forget. The sound of my gratitude has been load and clears for a long time. He was truly a gift from God. I had to call him a name that said it all- Matthew.

 He has grown up and became a young man with a dynamic personality. He has married and he has accomplished a lot. He knows that I am proud of him and after 26 years of his life, every day has been the Thanks-Giving Day of my life because of him.

Jokingly -I call "him my baby Turkey"