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 Mark is my first Son


My children-They are the powers that they  have sparked my life and allow my heart to beat!







At the middle of night on March19, 1969, my ex-wife, Jewell woke  me up and said "It is time to go".  I knew someone is knocking on the door. But did not dare to ask, “Who is knocking on the door”!  Impatiently, I got ready and then we headed it  to the hospital. The hospital, Wesley Long   was located in the heart of Greensboro NC. . I remember it was raining gently that night, but was quite and I was speeding like a maniac . 

Having the first child, it is an unforgettable and unexplainable blessing experiences. We had no ideas about the gender- whoever it did not matter, we prayed to be just a healthy baby.  

During the course of the night my heart was pounding and racing high. The level of my anxiety and excitement was climbing up and down. I remember, I was pacing in the hallway of the hospital back and forth -like a lost zumby. I was wondering about the baby’s look, his personality and more--

I thought the clock was running slowly. It was one of the out t passing times of my life. I was exhausted  due to my panicking nature. Finally in the corner of visitor’s waiting room I passed out! Not long after a short nap, I felt someone tapping in my shoulder and whispering “ Abbas Guess who is here?” I saw the most beautiful little baby was wrapped in a blue blanket and was wearing a cute blue hat.

The nurse handed the baby to me. I felt someone granted me the golden key to the heaven. The beautiful black eyes of his were wondering around. The sparks of his eyes was so revealing . His sweet staring feature was so powerful that I felt my heart was melted out.  His natural baby smell was so delightful and powerful that I thought the angels have sprayed him. I could not believe to see how beautiful this baby was. I was stunned to discover how creative God could be. I was touched to find out  about the generosity of God. I was amazed about God’s craftsmanship. I had tears in my eyes; I was speechless for the inheriting such a priceless gift. I asked the nurse is my baby a girl? The nurse smiled and replied - no silly “Is a Boy.” I could not wait to take him home.

When I visited Jewell, fortunately she was also doing well and was extremely exited. She wanted to know what do we want to name the baby. When I went home, I was excited so much that I was unable to sleep that night. I was looking forward to go back to re-cherish again the arrival of my son.

Next, day when I visited my brand new family, I suggested to Jewell to name him “Omid”. “Omid” is one of the popular Persian name - it means "Wish", "Hope". The reason I decided to name him Omid- I felt, I have been waiting- waiting and  wishing  for so  long to receive  a precious gift -  finally my dream came through.  After 34 years my feeling has not changed about him-- I still believe my Omid,- Is the powers that he has sparked my life and allow my heart to beat!