Top 10 FQAs


Aberi Family
Who is Aberi
Family Tree
Who is Who
Who is Mark
Who is Matt
Top 10 FQAs
Photo Album


Q. When did Aberi family was established in America?


A. It was established on March 19, 1969 in Greensboro NC- when my first son Mark was born.


Q. Who are the stars of this family?


They are Mark, Matthew, Jackie


Q. What about the daughter in laws?


They are the angles of this family


Q. What are the best memories?


A. When Mark (Omid), Matthew , Jackie and Katherine were born


Q. What are the worst memories that you do recall?


A. The announcement of the termination of my marriage to our sons- specially Mark that happed to be

 right before his wedding


Q. What do you miss in your life?


A. I am grateful- I have had it all- but I wished I had a chance to have a daughter in addition


Q. Whey don’t you go after it now?


A. It is  impossible to have my own —I have passed up the torch to my sons, I am looking to see how far they can run before they drop the torch—


Q. How do you define family values? 

A. simple add it up and use it --ΣRHT (Sum of RHT) R= Respect, H= Honesty and T =Trust

 Q. How do you define Aberi family values? 

A. Do hope we practice this-- ΣRHT everyday— mix it up with plenty of L to meet our standards

   ΣRHT+L= Aberi Family values (AFV)

    Σ-Sum, R-Respect, H-Honesty, T-Trust and L-Love 


Q- With the today’s family crises how can any one be happy again?  


  • Live simply

  • Free your heart from hatred 

  • Free your mind from worries 

  • Give more 

  • Expect less 

  • Don’t expect what your partner can do for you-- ask yourself what you can do for your partner